Monday, November 27, 2006

My Thanksgiving

I know its a little late but just got a little busy. I had a wonderful Thanksgiving with my husband and my inlaws.

Usually this is my one save haven but lucky me, one of the couples invited announced a very early pregnany (6 weeks). It was a little awkward because they are fairly new acquaintances of my inlaws so I found it odd to announce it so early but anyway it shouldn't bother me. I guess it only did because I had just had a late period and what I thought was implantation spotting so I was a little extra sensitive when AF decided to join us for Thanksgiving.

And now for the icing on my cake, I now officially know at least one person due in every single month from January through July of next year. I'm sure I'll complete the entire year. Whoopy!

Infertility Journey

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Is this normal?

Anxiety about becoming pregnant- even after trying to conceive for so long

Maybe it's just me but I'm starting to wonder if I am even cut out to be a mom. I suppose when its easier to get pregnant you don't really have time to sit around and think about the world of changes you life will take on once you have a child. There is the pregnancy excitement and then the real world.

I work a lot with teens and most of my friends have kids, and more than a few have newborns. After visiting them I fall in love with the babies but then the panic attack starts. This ususally starts as soon as they begin to cry and scream bloody murder for what seems to be no reason.

I really think the anxiety is normal because you want to be the best parent and provide the best for your family. This may sound strange coming from someone whose been trying for years to conceive but as much as I think I want to be a mom, the other sides wonders if I am up for the challenge or capable.

Do any of you feel this way?

Monday, November 13, 2006

F.I.R.S.T in South Georgia

F.I.R.S.T Infertility Support Group

Being from South Carolina, I know how lonely it can feel with limited support from those who are struggling to conceive like me. Soooo, I just wanted to put the FYI out there for couples in South Georgia or the Valdosta, GA area. This new group is called Fertility Information Resource and Support Team.

Check it out if you're in the area
Moultrie Observer - South Georgians form infertility support group

Infertility Journey

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Iron Helps Infertility: Study

ABC News: Iron Helps Infertility: Study

With all of studies being conducted on the possible links to infertility, one must conclude that optimal health seems to be the message screaming from each one. Proper diet and exercise are key - which is not surprising today with the consumption of ever so convenient processed foods and lack of exercise.