Thursday, October 05, 2006 Romania

Worlds oldest mother and rise in egg donationin Romania

This is amazing. I can not imagine bringing a child (let alone two) into the world at 67 years of age. By this time in my life (provided I still have one) I'm not sure I would have the stamina to handle such a task. However I think I would be more concerned about orphaning them than anything.

Check it out and let me know what you think? - Romanian woman set to become world's oldest mother - IVF, Infertility and Embryology News and Resources for Scientists.

Infertility Journey

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Christian View on In Vitro Fertilization

Is In Vitro Fertilization Morally Wrong?

I just read this article and I'm not sure what the Christian view of in vitro fertilzation is. I'm sure it depends on who you ask. So my question really is what makes it morally wrong for those who hold this opinion?

I'm in the dark on this and would love some insight or just do hear differeing opinions. - Appleton Woman Testifies Against Catholic Schools: "School officials waited a month to fire Romenesko because they had not dealt with a similar situation before "

Is IVF Ethical?

Monday, October 02, 2006

Chinese Medicine-Overcome Infertility

Alternative therapy to overcoming infertility

As the infertility epidemic continues to grow coupled with the uncertainty of traditional medicine, there seems to be a hike in the interests in Eastern medicine. It seems that Chinese medicine takes a more holistic approach to healing as opposed to focusing on one symptom. In my personal opinion, holistic healing is the way to go.

There a several options and a little research could help you determine which is best for you. Often they are less expensive than the traditional options. This particular article highlights Dr. Anglea Wu's (also called the Fertility Goddess) approach to overcoming infertility.

What are your thoughts? Has anyone successfully conceived by ways of Chinese medicine?
Common Ground: Fertility Wisdom

Acupuncture and Infertility